2/6/10 - 31 weeks
Amy, Kay, Amanda and Jill planned my baby shower at Amy's house that was held yesterday. Since I am still here at WakeMed, Eric attended in my place, and I was able to attend via video conference. It was really unique and although I wish I could have been there, this was the next best thing.
My friend Stephanie came in from Charlotte for the shower too, and she stopped by here for a little while to visit. I hadn't seen her since we went to the crop up in Dulles back in November, so it was great to see her and visit for a bit. She also took lots of photos with my camera which is much appreciated.
Unfortunately Mother Nature didn't cooperate with us and the Richmond, VA folks could not make it down to Raleigh due to the snow. Hopefully they can come down in a couple of weeks and celebrate with us.
Eric called me (via Yahoo Messenger's Video Call feature) a little before the party started so I could see people arriving. It was really fun to see and hear what was going on. And seeing everyone was priceless. I wish I had a better microphone (or knew where it was on this computer) so they could have heard me better, though. My wonderful hubby did a great job of being the honoree, too. Our friends and family were very generous with their gifts for baby Tyler and we are so appreciative. Jill organized a couple of fun baby shower games so we played a game, then they opened presents (while I watched), then another game. Then cake.
And OMG the cake. It was amazing. Amy made this. Yeah, you read that right, she made it. It's adorable!! Mark and Kay came by later that evening with balloons and cake for me and I had to control myself not to eat the whole yummy piece of cake. (still watching my sugars). Holy moly that was good. It was light and almond-y and white and oh-so-good!
Here are a few pictures, courtesy of Jill:

what I looked like to them:

party favors courtesy of Amanda's craftiness:

group photo:

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